martes, 31 de diciembre de 2024

OMER GAASH 1983 Israel

Omer Ga’ash has a unique outlook on how the human body is perceived in a natural environment. His interest in graphic design guides this interesting perspective; allowing him to see the body as a shape, with all its curves, lines, edges, and symmetries. His work is beyond the glorification of the body. It’s not about that. It’s about the symbiosis of the body and the environment which surrounds it – a way of colliding the two, allowing them to complement each other, thus creating a metamorphosis of space and shapes. With a background in architecture, mapping and aerial photography analysis, as well as a deep passion for shapes and movement, Omer is able to see something which many of us miss: the way our bodies can be transformed into textures. By implementing his knowledge and personal experiences, Omer is able to convert his models into something much more than a nude human body. Allowing his mind to drift in search of repetition, improvisation, attraction, continuity, flow and scale, Omer sculpts the nude body into the space, creating a true piece of art which is both natural and infinite.

lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2024

LUDVÍK VACÁTKO 1873-1956 Viena, Àustria

1873 - 1956 Estudiant de l'AVU (1895-1901; professors Brožík i Hynais). El 1897, va col·laborar amb Luďek Marold en el panorama de la Batalla de Lipan. A Vacátko li agradava molt pintar escenes de batalla i cavalls. El 1900 va anar a estudiar a París, des d'on va anar a Munic, on va estudiar amb els professors Zügel i Herterich. A més de la pintura, també es va dedicar a l'escultura de figures i va crear figures de genets. També va fer una sèrie de retrats (el president Masaryk a cavall,...). També va fer viatges d'estudis a Àustria, Itàlia, Polònia, Rússia, Iugoslàvia i Alemanya. Les seves representacions d'humans i animals sempre van ser anatòmicament perfectes. Nombroses exposicions aquí i fora (Viena, Roma, Florència, Barcelona,...). Preu més alt aconseguit per l'obra d'aquest autor a la subhasta: 170.000 CZK. Ludvík Vacátko (19 August 1873 – 26 November 1956) was a Czechoslovak painter. His work was part of the painting event in the art competition at the 1932 Summer Olympics.[1]

ROBERT SAUNDERS Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Robert Saunders Art contemporani en pastel, carbó o oli; ocasionalment a l'aire lliure o natura morta però generalment figurativa, i ...