jueves, 10 de octubre de 2024

ALEX WINGS 1965 Brooklyn, NY, US

Hi. My name is Alex Wings. artist, (lives in US since 2018) based Florida and New York. Graduated from the Academy of Arts in Europe. I always loved drawing and have a big interest of art, design in all forms. I have always been fascinated by the human body and that is still my focus. It is the skin and figure that is important to me, not where it is. I am also always interested in the harmony of nature with different shades of the palette. I use colours to make the impression I want. I usually do not have a plan in the beginning, and like to play with colours over and over. I can have an idea about the feeling I want and if it should be a light or dark picture, but that idea can often change! I also use/mix traditional oil and acrylic . My inspirations: Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, Gustav Klimt. https://aglutinart.blogspot.com/

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MARC MARTIN Paris - Berlin

Photographer / Filmmaker - Paris / Berlin. I work on men. Between poetry & pornography. I love pigs & flowers. Suis-je normal...