jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2024


Michael Bergt has worked primarily in egg tempera for over thirty years. He co-founded The Society of Tempera Painters and served as the organization’s president for twelve years. Working primarily with the human figure, Michael’s paintings refer to a range of interests, including classical myths, sensuality, the human condition, and topical events. He is represented by Nuart Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico. ROME WORKSHOP JULY 1 – JULY 12, 2024 Art from 8th Century BC to today will greet you in Rome! In this workshop, I will share traditional techniques of preparing and working on toned paper, how to work up preliminary tonal drawings and transferring those drawings to a true, rabbit skin/chalk panel, how to make egg tempera from scratch, and build up the jewel-like surface, and, for those interested, applying gold leaf using water gilding. www.aglutinart.blogspot.com

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Sobre l'artista Martin Ridgwell és un artista gravador que viu i treballa a Londres. Va estudiar la seva llicenciatura en Belles Arts ...